Tuesday 24 May 2016

My Ideal Yatra To Thailand

Yatra, Kia hai ye Yatra? What is Yatra you may ask? Yatra in Hindi simply means a procession or pilgrimage, especially one with a religious purpose. But Yatra today means any sort of trip or journey to a destination.

When someone says vacation, I am all Ears. I am always in for a vacation; I never can get enough of it. I am one of those who can't get sleep days before we actually go for the trip. Right from my childhood, I was always excited about picnics, field trips and any outings in general. I would find out from my neighbor, talk to my friends or get any information from magazines (as I belong to the primitive days when internet was not common) about the spot I was to visit. 

As I am smitten by the travel bug, I love to pre plan my vacation well in advance. I am one of those travelers who have well researched the destination and know all the necessary information before I get there. 

Recently I had been to Thailand with my family and fiancé. We had our International flight tickets booked about two and a half months in advance. Since my fiancé and I had already been there we had already well marked our maps and prepared our itinerary well. It was a mini getaway with my family so we had included and pre booked cruise tours, water sports and special dinner as pre booking saved us a ton of money which we used later to splurge in Bangkok. 

Sometimes being a bag packer has their pros and cons. As much as I would love to live a life of a vagabond, I still prefer to know where I am going and know exactly what I want to do well before I get there to avoid confusion, waste of money or any other mishaps. It is definitely fun to be explored and open up to new roads as we go along, but somehow I love to know the place better before I get there.

My trip to Thailand was a pleasant one. Trust me if I had not planned it out well, I do not think it would have been fantastic like how it was. My mom was very nervous about the trip at the very beginning as it was her first time out of the country so I had to be very street smart and gain her confidence in what we were doing. I pre booked a private van for us so it would be convenient for us to travel within the city swiftly. We made sure we had got a good driver as Thai drivers are not known to be the best in the world. We visited the temples, went on a safari and ate lovely food whilst our stay there. Of course, there was a ton of shopping involved. We did a lot of shopping wherever we got a chance. In Thailand we stayed 3 days in Pattaya and two days In Bangkok. It was one of the best trips I have had so far. I wish to do it again. 

Here are some pictures of us on our fun trip.

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