Monday 12 January 2015

A DAY WITH THE PIMPLES: Garnier Pure Neem Active Face Wash

Girls make Pimples the star for the day when they appear. Can't stop staring at them, Can't wait to squash them away and what not! SIGH! I wish pimples never existed and saved us from the daily drama.
OH! How can we forget? Mr.Pimple is very good with his timings(sarcastic). Let's see how GARNIER PURE ACTIVE NEEM FACE WASH SAVES THE DAY!

Hey there Pimple how are you?
You came and caused a Hullabaloo.
Trust me! I just hate you too much.
Oh girl! Don’t get tempted to touch.

If you were a person, I’d kill you now!
Blowing my gun, I’d take a bow.
OMG! It’s the college farewell today,
It’s a fancy party by the bay.
My last chance to get a kiss from my crush!
All hopes now go down the flush.
Look at my face lit up with red lights,
Oh! My anxiety has now reached its heights.

What should I do? Should I call my Mom?
Eeeuuu a pimple popped like a bomb.
Tring! Tring! I call a friend.
I tell her the story cribbing and sulking till the end.
She tells me “Oh, shut up now! There’s nothing to CRY!
Go to the mirror and wave your acne GOOD BYE!
Just go to the bathroom and open the drawer to the right,
You will find a tube in green and white”
“Nothing will work,” I said, I’d rather call in sick today!
She says “Noooo, wait, don’t cry, it’s definitely worth a try”!
I keep the Phone, I read Neem face wash,
 8 hours to go, oh gosh!!

Grabbed the tube squeezed to make some lather.
My confidence dispersed, I need to gather!
I wash it off, my skin feels nice,
I definitely need to avoid the spice.
Hunger vanished I need nothing to eat,
This is something I have to Tweet!
I take a Selfie I still see it there.. Oh Crap!
“This is bullshit” I say to myself, I definitely need to take a nap!

I see my crush he looks right at me,
then I pretend to drop my key.
He picks it up, steps forward hinting for a kiss,
OMG, what sweet bliss.
My hair flies in the wind,
He stops and stares, “Eeuuu! That’s just gross” he says!
I cover it again NO wait sweetie forget the pimple; look at me, look! On the left I have a dimple!
Ouch! I fall off the bed.
Thank God it was just a Dream.
I see the watch, Ahhh, that high pitch scream!
I check my phone again just 1 hour until the Party.
I pick a dress in my wardrobe which looks most Arty!

Now the time to check the mirror,
Please, I hope God spares me the horror.
Closing my eyes, I took a peek, I can’t take it anymore, I am too weak.
I take the chance I have nothing to lose,
If it’s still there I will sit at home and booze!
I look in the mirror… OMG WHERE IS IT??? Is this true?
I jump with joy. I can’t believe this, phew!!
I look closer, it’s still there though, still do-able almost invisible.
Now makeup can hide the redness for sure, foundation set, my skin looks so pure!
Look at me now I’m so attractive, I need to thank GARNIER NEEM FACE WASH PURE ACTIVE!

It contains real Neem Leaf and Tree Tea Oil extracts:
1) Fights germs: Washes away problem causing germs.
2) Fights Pollution: deep cleans pores to remove impurities caused by pollution.
3) Removes Oil: Washes away excess oil which attracts dirt & germs.

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