Friday, 12 June 2015

#ComeCloser To Radiant Skin

Hey Junkies,

If you follow me on my too many social media platforms you will already know that I am a hardcore makeup junkie, but over that I am very bigger beauty and skin care freak. I love to take care of my skin when I find myself good spare time and I noticed that when you take care of it, it takes care of you.

 Skin care is the most neglected routine among Indians as most of are blessed with gorgeous skin and hair. But having something great already does not mean we do not have to take care of it. In fact, it means that we need to take a little extra care of it. So cutting down to the chase I have some great tips for the for skin care which are using only natural products. When we hear natural we become all ears! Yes, I am sharing only some great natural skin care tips which are very beneficial to the skin and take no time at all to achieve Radiant beautiful skin which can last forever.

Tip # 1
Drinking Water
I know you probably think this is boring / uuurrggg c'mon, we have all heard that too often BUT! We do not practice this enough. I have personally noticed the big difference it had done to my skin after I had started to drink 2 liters of water every single day. My skin appeared dewy and livelier. But this can be achieved only if you stick to it.

Tip # 2
Eliminate puffy eyes 
No need of the expensive night creams and serums or gentle and extremely heavy on wallet massaging machines. Just keep a metal spoon in the freezer for about 10 minutes and later hold the it under your eyes/ on the problem. POOF! gone.. no puffy eyes anymore. This is a great tips to seem wide awake when you have not had good sleep.

Tip # 3
Steam up
No need to go to a salon and instead boil some water in a bowl about 1-2 liters and take your face extremely close to the water wherein the steam gets in your face and then you are able to feel the heat. Cover your head with a towel to condense the heat. Take in the steam for about 15-20 mins and do not forget to breath! After the steam pat dry your face. This method should be practiced at least once every week to open up your pore and let them breathe after. This also helps in blood circulation and help fade away scars and avoids acne.

Tip # 4
Ayurvedic products
Ayurveda has various benefits over cosmetic facial cleansing regimes. An Ayurveda facial care regime improves the texture and health of skin as opposed to a harmful cosmetic one. Its Ayurveda formula combined with the microbicide properties of turmeric prevents oily skin, fights pimples and clears blackheads. VICCO Turmeric Cream over the years has been known for the best anti chemical and only natural products do check them out in the link below.

Do you have any naturals tip you swear by? Let me know in the comments below.

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