Wednesday 4 March 2015

My Optimistic Approach Towards Life #LOOKUP

Not many times we get what we want, wait; OH CRAP! I can’t be starting my post with a negative word “NOT”. Were you ever asked to answer the half full/half empty glass question? When I was asked that questioned back in school, I said half empty *stupid pessimist me*, I wish I could take that back and change it to half full.

Life is so much more than just being negative, a pessimist. 
And you know who/what taught me to be an optimist?

Psst: This is very strange, you could never guess so let me weave you the story…

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Once upon a time there was me, much smaller and a regular collegiate rebel. I am sure most of us were quite the same as a teenager. Going out with friends, spending money, eating junk living on junk and no value for time, which was pretty much the story of my life back then.  Then REALITY hit hard, it came smacking me down after college days were over and my parents were not willing to put my education to waste; I had to work! I had to earn my way out to fund my expensive lifestyle which my parents were not willing to support anymore. Oh! I will never survive the grown-up world! Life is tough; I hate my life.

It was the summer of 2013, first day JOB HUNTING along with pals. Still, It was fun being with them but still really sad because we knew eventually we all would have to go separate ways and pick the job which fits each one of us the best! After the interview I soon knew I wasn't even good enough for the job, I was disappointed and did not want to be rejected. All of us got interviewed one by one and we stuck around the cafeteria for each other. Later we were walking on the streets and grumbling about how stupid the interview was; how stupid life is, and we wished that the time just stopped when were teenagers BLA BLA BLA; you know how it must have been. All we were good at is cursing life back then. After a grabbing a bite and bidding goodbyes for the day, I later hailed a taxi ride back home. Then something strange happens, whilst texting my friends in the taxi I saw a poor kid facing her back at me just a few cars ahead of me, *BEEP* my phone notifies me again and so I get distracted and start texting over. The taxi moves further and I look up again. HOLY SHIT! That girl, that poor beggar child was standing at my window looking at me. Burnt brown hair, dusty clothes, but wait! Her face it is just like mine! Her eyes, her nose, the intense stare is nothing else but just like me. I dropped my phone; my hand went numb with that shock, the noise in the background muted away. Then she crept closer towards me and said “EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT”, I was surprised you see that girl, I was still looking at her ME… she then gave a small hint of a smile on her face and the traffic then started moving with a consistent pace. She still stood there until my neck started hurting and she fades away from my sight.” WAKE UP MICH! Mich, GET UP NOW! YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOU INTERVIEW! It is 8.30am! Are you dreaming?” yells MOM.


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Yes! It was me; it was that DREAM that taught me life is so much more than just being negative, a pessimist! I was ready to take one step towards positivism, BECAUSE I KNEW EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT! 


Just like me HOUSING envisions a world full of positivity. 

Housing is here to help the world live better. They are on a journey to simplify everything to do with real estate, which leaves us free to focus on your life, our loved ones, the things that matter most. They are here to create change for good, to help us live 10X better.


This post is written in association with Indiblogger and Housing.

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follow me on instagram michelles_atelier
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